Wedding Bells are Ringing...

Heidi has been with WTT for the past two years stage managing and assisting with the Summer Musical Theatre Camp. And during that time, we have also had the honor of having Mike as an "unofficial" staff member.
Best wishes from everyone at WTT for a long and joyous marriage!
Congratulations Heidi and Mike! I am so happy for you, and wish you a lifetime of joy.
Also, I saw "Take Me Out" last night, and it was *wonderful*! Ted Wold was brilliant, Clay Yocum heartbreaking and disturbing, and the whole group perfectly cast.
Hey Heidi Congratulations. Curtis told me when he got back that you were getting married. Hope you two have a great life.
PS you haven't changed any in what I think 7 years since I last saw you.
Ronda Craig
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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